Water & Sanitation

Join Al-Qulub Trust and bring the gift of water to parched lives.

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Despite living in a country with significant water resources, a concerning number of people in Pakistan still lack access to clean water & sanitation. 

The absence of clean water sources and proper sanitation facilities places millions at risk of preventable diseases, trapping them in a cycle of poverty and poor health. Imagine the struggles of a mother who must embark on long journeys daily to fetch water, only to find it contaminated. Consider the plight of communities vulnerable to waterborne illnesses due to the absence of adequate sanitation infrastructure.

According to the World Health Organization, approximately one in three Pakistanis faces this pressing issue.



people do not have access to safe drinking water


People lack access to safely managed sanitation services

2 billion

People use contaminated drinking water

2.4 billion

People live in water-stressed countries

UNESCO report further sheds light on the widespread nature of water scarcity, affecting between two and three billion people who experience significant water shortages for at least one month every year. This scarcity poses severe risks to livelihoods, particularly through impacts on food security and access to electricity.

Looking ahead, the situation appears increasingly dire. The number of urban dwellers facing water scarcity is expected to more than double, rising from 930 million in 2016 to between 1.7 and 2.4 billion by 2050. 

At Al-Qulub Trust, guided by the principles of our Islamic faith, we are committed to addressing these critical challenges specifically in Pakistan. Our mission is to ensure that every Pakistani has access to clean water and proper sanitation facilities, thereby improving the overall well-being and health of our fellow citizens.

With your donation, we could:

£40 — Standard Hand Water Pump - Installation complete within 14 days
£100 — Standard Hand Water Pump with Plaque + Plinth - Installation complete within 1 month

(Current lead times are 30-45 days on all installs)

Gifting the Needy

Your support fuels our water and sanitation projects, helping to create resilient communities that can thrive.

Each contribution can play a crucial role in building wells and water pumps, installing sanitation facilities, or delivering vital water hygiene education in Pakistan. Your support goes beyond simply quenching thirst or enhancing hygiene; it also contributes to a significant reduction in diseases, enhances safety for women and children, and grants communities additional time for productive activities, including work and education. In essence, your donations serve as a catalyst for profound and enduring change, empowering individuals in Pakistan to lead healthier, more dignified lives.

£1 in Water and Sanitation = £3.40 Return and 1.5% Global GDP Boost

WHO highlights that investing in water and sanitation reduces healthcare costs, cuts pollution, improves productivity, boosts school attendance, and ensures dignity, privacy, and safety globally.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, "The best charity is giving water to drink."

(Reported by Ahmad)

Water is life, and sanitation is dignity. Donate now and let your gift ripple through the lives of those in need, providing hope and healthier futures. Your contribution supports vital clean water and sanitation programs, enhancing the well-being of communities and upholding their dignity. 

Research reveals that access to clean water could save up to 16,000 children's lives every week globally. Additionally, UNESCO highlights that better sanitation in schools can drive an 11% rise in girls' attendance, empowering future generations.

Maximise Your Impact

Seize the opportunity provided by the UK's Gift Aid scheme to make your donation to clean water and sanitation go even further. For every pound you donate, the government adds an extra 25p at no additional cost to you. This boost can mean more wells, more sanitation facilities, and ultimately, more lives changed. Transform your act of kindness into a wave of change for water and sanitation programs, creating a lasting impact in the communities that need it most.

© Copyright Al-Qulub Trust 2025. | Registered Charity Number: 1201517

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